Children of Cheapskate Parents Expose Their Most Unbelievable Stories

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For people who are cheap, every penny is valuable, and being cheap is how they live their lives. Some people like to spend their hard-earned cash on nice things, but cheapskates don’t bother with those things. These people will always make every dollar work, even if they have a lot of money.

A cheapskate is likely someone you have met. People like this often look for the best deals, reuse things, and so on. Their goal isn’t just to spend money; they enjoy getting the most out of every buy.

Everyone is happy when they get something for free, whether it’s a free pen, a free cup of coffee, or a sample-sized shampoo. Buckle up if you’ve never met a stringy person because these kids whose parents were cheap talked about some of the crazy things that happened in their home. This is what they said.

Text and comments have been fixed to make them clearer and use correct language.

1. A clever trick my dad used to get a free bar of soap

u/[deleted]: When my dad moved into his new house, he had a man show him how to use a water filter that fits under the sink for free. The man showed how to do it with a bar of soap and then left it.

Dad called at least four other businesses to get a free lesson just to get the free bar of soap. He never planned to have a water filter put in. This is something he does that gets worse as he gets older. I didn’t stop him, though.

2. The way my dad feels about paper towels

u/TheCommonStew: My dad saves all of his paper towels. Even though I’m 21, he still wants me to ask for permission before I use them. He doesn’t want me to waste them. At the time, I thought it cost $100 for a roll because he was worried I would waste them.

He always buys the cheapest thing, even if it breaks or doesn’t work as well. This means he ends up spending twice as much on everything. I spilled a gallon of milk all over his house while my girlfriend and I were there. She got a roll of paper towels and used them all to clean up the mess.

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